CollegeVine’s breakdown of a Common App essay on problem-solving has some useful tips you can use here, too. For example:1. Briefly reflect on the pros and cons of your solution! It takes a sophisticated essay to describe a solution, but also to reflect on some errors or things you’...
Details / Credits on the Canvas APIs We leverage the Canvas LTI APIs from the U of Florida library. Substantial layering over these libraries has been added in the pycanvas package, and a common API between the Canvas and Gradescope modules has been implemented as CourseApi.About...
Cross-validation set is obtained by splitting on entire seizures. For example if there are 4 seizures, 3 seizures are used for training and 1 is used for cross-validation. SETTINGS.json { "competition-data-dir": "seizure-data", "data-cache-dir": "data-cache", "submission-dir": "./sub...
Climate change is a common focus online in recent years. Although some publications fostered the belief that climate change has been overstated for political purposes, the science circles have reached the scientific consensus that climate change is happening, and we need to take action now to stop...
Normalization of feature vector values is a common practice in machine learning. Generally, each feature value is standardized to the unit hypercube or by normalizing to zero mean and unit variance. Classification decisions based on support vector machines (SVMs) or by other methods are sensitive ...
The odds-ratio suggests some weak evidence that borderline articles from top-30% institutions were less favored by area chairs compared to their counterparts from the comparison group, defying the common wisdom of status bias. Nonetheless, as all retrospective, observational studies, we cannot be ...