不同语境下可能衍生出多种解读方向:在青少年群体中可能被赋予临时性的新含义(如指代某种虚构生物);在游戏社群中或演变为挑战性暗语;某些亚文化圈层甚至将其发展为inside joke(内部梗)。这种语义的不确定性反而增强了其传播活力。 三、文化传播的典型路径 从2000年代初期开始,该俚语通过《...
there are two versions of the answer,the first one is " I don't know what updog is"and the second one is "what's updog?" then you would say "nothing much, whats up with you.' then both of us would crack up. except for we can't hear each other and the joke is ...
that is commonly used as a practical joke to elicit the question "what's updog?" from someone, to which the prankster typically responds with the punchline "Nothing. What’s up with you?"https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/updogA: Updog.B: (not understanding) What's "updog"?A: Nothing, ...