ORA-14402 错误表示:“updating partition key column would cause a partition change”,即尝试更新分区键列会导致分区发生变化。在 Oracle 数据库中,分区表是根据分区键将数据分散到不同的分区中以提高查询和管理效率。当尝试更新分区键列的值时,由于该值决定了数据所属的分区,因此会导致数据从一个分区移动到另一...
CACHEVARCHAR2(5)指示表是否要缓存在缓冲区缓存(y)或不(n)中。 TABLE_LOCKVARCHAR2(8)指示是否已启用表锁(启用)或禁用(禁用)。 SAMPLE_SIZENUMBER用于分析此表的样本大小 LAST_ANALYZEDDATE最近分析这张表的日期 PARTITIONEDVARCHAR2(3)指示此表是否分区。设置 是 如果是分区。 IOT_TYPEVARCHAR2(12)如果这是一...
这个主要是对分区的字段进行了更改, 导致该行需要移至另一个分区 在Oracle中,如果数据量大,一般会使用多个表分区,建表方式为:create table table1(logID NUMBER(18) not null,CreateTime DATE default(sysdate),)PARTITION BY RANGE (CreateTime)( PARTITION part1 VALUES LESS THAN...
当更新分区表的分区键时,会出现ORA-14402错误。 演示: 表t_order_photo 是按照EDATE为分区键的分区表。 SQL>updatet_order_photo t2sett.edate=sysdate,editor='Alen',photo_status=03wheret.id=611;updatet_order_photo t*ERRORatline1: ORA-14402: updatingpartitionkeycolumnwould cause apartitionchange 解决...
ORA-14402: updating partition key column would cause a partition change test@CENTRAL> Stefan On 5/2/06, hamid alavi <alavihamid@gmail.com> wrote: List, I have partition table and I did alter table table_name enable rowmovement, then when I try to Disable row movement still when I updat...
OCI Error ORA-14402: updating partition key column would cause a partition change (status = 14402), SQL <UPDATE <"SCHEMANAME">.<"TABLENAME"> SET "TYPE" = :a1,"COL1" = :a2,"STATUS" = :a3,"ACTIVATION_STATUS" = :a4,"PROV_STATUS" = :a5,"COL5" = :a6,"ERROR_MESSAGE" = :a7,...
is_partition_key Boolean Indicates whether to partition. ordinal Integer Sequence number. not_null Boolean Indicates whether the value is empty. stand_row_id String ID of the associated data standard, which is a string stand_row_name String Name of the associated data standard. This parameter is...
Chapter 7.3 - RANDOMIZED-QUICKSORT Exercise 7.4-5 - improve QUICKSORT by INSERTION SORT Problem 7-1 - Hoare partition correctnessChapter 8 Sorting in Linear TimeProblem 8-2 - sorting in place in linear time Problem 8-3 - sorting variable-length items Problem 8-5 - averaging sorting Problem ...
Event ID: 2089 - This directory partition has not been backed up since at least the following number of days. Event ID: 2886 Event ID: 2887 : Display Error again and again Event ID: 4004 DNS server was unable to complete directory service enumeration of zone _msdcs.xxx.com Event id: 43...
Remove credential using cmdkey fails with error "element not found" Remove DNS Suffix so I can use whatever DNS servers I want instead of ISP's remove hidden attribute from disk partition Remove Let Windows Manage my default Printer Remove Mail Count on Lock Screen Remove or Disable Drive Tool...