We've had the same issue happen to about a dozen of our Elite/Probooks over the past 4 or so months. The first time, I was REALLY hesitatant about hard powering it off for a firmware update, but had no other choice. Have since found out that this camera firmware update ...
})->middleware(['auth','throttle:6,1'])->name('verification.send'); From the documentation I see: "Next, we can proceed directly to calling the fulfill method on the request. This method will call the markEmailAsVerified method on the authenticated user and dispatch the Illuminate\Auth\E...
Laracasts Elite Community Pillar martinbean Posted 3 months ago @thetanaz You‘re better off creating a middleware if you’re trying to restrict routes based on a role: Copy class EnsureUserIsAdmin { public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next) { if ($request->user()-...
Laracasts Elite Hall of Fame tykus Posted 7 months ago The problem with your current markup is on your page there are multiple (count($habits)) checkboxes named monday, and named tuesday and so on... You also end up with multiple HTML elements with the same id, which is invalid!
Controller public function update(Request $request, Post $post) { $post->subject = $request->input('subject'); $post->body = $request->input('body'); $post->excerpt = $request->input('excerpt'); $post->update($request); $this->storeImage($post); $this->...
Level 2 dr24 OP Posted 4 years ago @michaloravec No. There is blade above, I post it through form, 0 Laracasts Elite Hall of Fame MichalOravec Posted 4 years ago @dr24 Because you have there return response()->json(null, 204); so just change it to return back();. 0 Level ...