长时间没有响应或卡住时,这通常意味着 depot_tools 正在尝试更新自己或其依赖的工具。根据提供的参考信息,我可以给你一些步骤来解决或避免这个问题: 确认当前 depot_tools 版本: 在命令行中,你可以通过查看 depot_tools 目录下的 .git 文件夹来确定当前的 git 提交哈希值,这代表了当前的版本。 bash cd path/to...
(there's 6 or 7 tools using these currently - we'll be eventually upgrading to this for all tools) defaults to the current location the tool is installed to (which on a clean install of Unity is \commserver\utilities) - but again, if you put it somewhere else, Tools Depot will "...