在PyCharm里安装新的包时, Available Packages检索框里显示为nothing to show,但此时却可以在命令行用pip安装包。 解决办法为:点击在PyCharm里ProjectInterpreter中最右边Anaconda的小圆圈“use conda package manager ”即可。 pycharm创建虚拟环境venv和添加依赖库package ...
PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels: anaconda=custom2.1.2 Current channels: https://conda.anaconda.org/conda-forge/osx-64 https://conda.anaconda.org/conda-forge/noarch https://repo.anaconda.com/pkgs/main/osx-64 https://repo.anaconda.com/pkgs/ma...
conda update numpy# Output:# Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done# Solving environment: done## ## Package Plan ### environment location: /home/user/anaconda3## added / updated specs:# - numpy## The following packages will be UPDATED:## numpy 1.20.1-py39hdbf815f_0 ...
Open Anaconda Prompt (Terminal on macOS/Linux) and run the following commands: # Update the conda package manager to the latest version in your base environment conda update -n base conda # Use conda to update Navigator in your base environment conda update -n base anaconda-navigator If Naviga...
I have a current miniconda installation with a handful of packages I need and I would like to see if any update is available. I tried "conda update conda", but it checked the "conda" package only (no update needed). I also tried "conda update anaconda", but it tells me, that anacon...
When a new (higher) version of any of the components used with your instance groups (Spark, notebook, or Dask) become available, upon adding it to your system to use it with IBM Spectrum Conductor, you can then update existing instance groups to use the
Yeah, I believe conda/conda#13173 changes the CLI parsing so that the argparse callback function path is stored as an absolute path and not relative anymore, which is bubbled up in mamba CLI as an error, seemingly not having any subcommand available. I would call that an unfortunate compati...
Needed a specific package version which was only available in the conda-forge channel. When removing this channel from .condarc and killing the ever loading instance of Anaconda Navigator via the Anaconda prompt (see stackoverflow), I was able to restart the Navigator. To install the specific pa...
The only thing that has changed is that conda now packages pyqt5 and not pyqt4. The conda matplotlib package of 2.0 depends on pyqt5 but that is a conda specific choice how that is handled and nothing that we can change in matplotlib. It is perfectly possible to use Matplotlib 2.0 with...