json({ error: "Method Not Allowed", success: false }); } }; export default handler; mongoose.js import mongoose from "mongoose"; const connectDb = (handler) => async (req, res) => { if (mongoose.connections[0].readyState) { return handler(req, res); } await mongoose.conn...
There is a jira ticket with a workaround of using "raw":https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/NODE-2101 There's a good vanilla node.js driver example in the ticket. However, if you're trying to use Mongoose here's another solution based on theMongoDB documentation: MongoDB document from "s...
The introduction of theupdateOne()method alongsideupdate()andupdateMany()resulted in a change that prevented users from accidentally overriding an entire document. Instead of specifyingmulti:true, you have the option to use either thereplaceOne()method or anupdate(). Solution 3: I...