在MonogDB 的官方文档中,提供的集合方法中,关于修改的方法有四个:findOneAndUpdate()、update()、updateOne()、updateMany()。从字面上大家应该就可以判断出其功能了: findOneAndUpdate():修改筛选出来的文档中的第一个文档,并返回,可以使用参数控制返回修改前还是修改后的文档。 update():修改单个文档或批量修改文档。
db.updateExample.updateOne({"_id":3},{$set:{"chef.$[].name":"ffff"}}) 2.1.4.更新嵌入式单个对象document db.updateExample.updateOne( { "_id": 3 }, { $set: { "material.remark": "test5", status: "P" }, $currentDate: { lastModified: true } } ) 3.updateMany 说明: 基于筛选...
rs02:PRIMARY>db.orders.updateMany({},{$rename:{"status":"status_1"}}) {"acknowledged":true,"matchedCount":4,"modifiedCount":4}//matchedCount表示匹配到的文档记录数 rs02:PRIMARY>db.orders.find()//modifiedCount表示修改的文档记录数 {"_id":0,"cust_id":"A123","status_1":"A"} {"_id"...
Using MongoDB updateMany method we can update many documents in the same query, but while using updateOne method we can update a single document from the collection. The below example shows that using updateOne method we can update only one document from the collection in MongoDB. ...
MongoDB:在其他字段值中查找字段值 Laravel 5.3 -在请求其他GET值时保留GET值 如何根据其他列值保留某一列的值? Pandas如何根据索引值改变序列并保留其他序列值 mongodb中的UpdateMany使用其他字段的值 使用list聚集/删除行中的字符串,同时保留其他值(python)? 导航到其他页面时保留页面中的值 将重复行保留在其他列...
The output would then resemble: Matched 1 document(s) Modified 1 document(s) See Also MongoDB\Collection::replaceOne() MongoDB\Collection::updateMany() MongoDB\Collection::bulkWrite() Update Documents updatecommand reference in the MongoDB manual...
Starting in MongoDB 7.1, if you specify upsert: true on a sharded collection, you do not need to include the full shard key in the filter. If upsert: true and no documents match the filter, db.collection.updateOne() creates a new document based on the filter criteria and update modifica...
updateOne() is a method in the MongoDB that allows you to update a single document in a collection that matches a specified filter. When the filter returns more than one document, only the first one will be updated and nothing will be changed if there are no documents that fit the ...