Pixalate will continue to update and publish its findings as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continues. April 6, 2022 50 entities added and/or redesignated to the OFAC SDN list. The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) took major steps to degrade the...
In Decision (EU) 2019/1698 of 9 October 2019, the list of European standards for products drafted in support of the General Product Safety Directive (2001/95/EC) has been updated.
If not, the downloader executes a number of commands to disable Microsoft Windows Defender. Furthermore, this malicious executable sends various information (IP address, computer name, list of running processes, a screenshot, etc.) to a remote server controlled by Rakhni's developers....
actions+=/call_action_list,name=combustion_phase,if=variable.time_to_combustion<=0|buff.combustion.up|variable.time_to_combustion<variable.combustion_precast_time&cooldown.combustion.remains<variable.combustion_precast_time # Adjust the variable that controls Fire Blast usage to save Fire Blasts while...