If your project containssubmodules, and they are on a branch, they will also be updated automati...
git pull是git fetch+git mergeFETCH_HEAD 的缩写。git pull就是先fetch,然后执行merge 操作,如果加 ...
It’s been a while since I have worn glue on nails and wow they have changed. These nails are so beautiful and fit great. The ombré and coffin shape are on trend and the glue was easy to apply and holds the nail well without feeling like it’s pulling on your nail. Much nicer th...
The fastest way to execute code is by compiling it to machine code, but you might not know what architecture your end user's machine supports. What to do? 最后一个与其说是捷径,不如说是危险的高山争霸赛,最好留给专家。执行代码最快的方法是将代码编译成机器代码,但你可能不知道你的最终用户的...
This can bo PhpStorm problem (or it's git module) because from within command line there is no problem with fetching and/or pulling. Moreover, the message provided by IDE says: "(...) you're not on any branch in Git repository. Checkout a...
Code freezes implemented on the branch level, which is OK, but there was no requirement to fix up all known bugs before the release. Higher-ups generally not aware of bug fixing. ‘Pre-existing’ bugs have high probability of being pushed to the next cycle. Every release was pretty stable...
It might also be helpful to use the beta Steam client instead of the normal branch. There have been some recent fixes for games that change between different runtimes which have not all made it into the normal branch yet. However, I was able to reproduce the problem described in my previou...
they witnessed FEMA and ATF agents breaking into homes, stealing firearms, jewelry, and cash. When an elderly woman protested, she was thrown to the ground, and a FEMA agent declared, “This ain’t your property anymore.” He was immediately shot dead by Red Hats. Similar incidents occurred...
The scold will then leave you alone. Your unvexxed body is no longer a threat to them. Your desire cancels the bad magic; your desire is proper and without sin and you are safe (to them). This experiment works. Try it. I originally put this out as a Twitter thread early last week...
as well as enemies to fight. Unlike its counterpart however, you have the option to camp in the areas where your paths branch, allowing you to recover morale, increase the friendship levels of the heroes in your team, and actually get to know said heroes better by hearing what they hav...