微软已在本周针对符合要求的硬件正式发布Windows 11,不过却出现明明硬件规格符合,但Windows Update却显示计算机不适合跑Windows 11的消息。好消息是可能很快会排除。对于跑Windows 11的设备,微软再三声明必须满足最低规格才能安装。微软同时也设计了2个方式协助用户确认他的计算机满足要求,一是跑PC Health Checkapp,另...
This post offers a simple guide for how to update, uninstall, reinstall and repair PC Health Check on Windows 10/11. It also explains what the Windows PC Health Check app can do for you. Hope it helps.
I downloaded and run PC health check so to be sure if the upcoming windows update can be installed. Unfortunately -and surprisingly- the app says "your PC doesn't meet WIN 11 system requirements". As I can see everything is fine except the processor. My processor is an I...
1 Windows更新疑难解答是一个内置的Windows工具,它应该识别Windows Update服务问题并自动修复它们。要运行该工具,请执行以下步骤:按Windows键+ I并打开更新和安全部分。选择左侧窗格中的疑难解答。选择Windows Update并点击运行问题排查工具按钮。2 等待扫描正在执行。如果检测到任何问题,故障排除工具将提供包含检测到的...
When you only want info about updating Windows 11, you'll find answers to many of your questions here: Recommended articles Install Office updates Activate Windows How to use the PC Health Check app How to reset your Microsoft account password ...
Pc Health Check states that my Pc meets windows 11 requirements, but windows update states that my Pc does not meet said requirements, after I activated the TPM from the BIOS, do I need to do something else or something is wrong in the process? thanks in advnace...
Windows Insiders and with the additional updates for the newly added processors, we plan to re-release the PC Health Check app for general availability in the coming weeks. Today, we are also simultaneously releasing versions that support 64-bit Windows, 32-bit Windows, ...
1.Upgrade rollout plan is being finalized and is scheduled to begin late in 2021 and continue into 2023. Specific timing will vary by device. Certain features require specific hardware, see https://www.microsoft.com/windows/windows-11#pchealthcheck ...
IT之家 4 月 21 日消息,根据国外科技媒体 NeoWin 报道,微软近日面向 Win10、Win11 系统,再次发布了 KB4023057 更新,引入了新版更新健康工具(Update Health Tools)。IT之家附微软支持文档部分内容如下:设备通过安装 KB4023057 更新,可以获取微软更新健康工具。本次更新适用于 Windows 使用者和商业设备,其用途...
如果你不知道你当前所用的设备是否支持升级新系统,你可以使用 PC Health Check Tool 来检查兼容性。不过在 Release Preview 频道上,微软已经在 Windows Update 页面添加了一个通知,并揭示了更多情况。 在截图中可以看到,那些可以升级到 Windows 11 的兼容设备上会有一条提示:“好消息--你的 PC 符合 Windows 11 ...