UPDATE STATISTICS table_or_indexed_view_name [ { { index_or_statistics__name } | ( { index_or_statistics_name } [ ,...n ] ) } ] [ WITH [ [ FULLSCAN ] | SAMPLE number { PERCENT | ROWS } ] | RESAMPLE | <update_stats_stream_option> [ ,...n ] ] [ [ , ] [ ALL | CO...
Fullscan puts an exclusive lock on the table.Not exactly. The exclusive lock subtype is OBJECT.UPDSTATS, which does not conflict with normal DML. One doesn't need to run UPDATE STATISTICS during a maintenance window as long as the server has sufficient resources....
UPDATE STATISTICS Customer (CustomerStats1) WITH FULLSCAN; G. 更新資料表的所有統計資料下列範例會更新 Customer 資料表上的所有統計資料。SQL 複製 UPDATE STATISTICS Customer; H. 搭配 AUTO_DROP 使用 CREATE STATISTICS如需使用自動卸除統計資料,只要將下列內容新增至統計資料建立或更新的 "WITH" 子...
UPDATE STATISTICS Customer (CustomerStats1) WITH FULLSCAN; G. 更新表的所有统计信息以下示例更新 Customer 表的所有统计信息。SQL 复制 UPDATE STATISTICS Customer; H. 将 CREATE STATISTICS 与 AUTO_DROP 配合使用要使用自动删除统计信息,...
UPDATESTATISTICSCustomer (CustomerStats1)WITHFULLSCAN; G. 更新表的所有统计信息 以下示例更新Customer表的所有统计信息。 SQL UPDATESTATISTICSCustomer; H. 将 CREATE STATISTICS 与 AUTO_DROP 配合使用 要使用自动删除统计信息,只需将以下内容添加到统计信息创建或更新的“WITH”子句中。
Access Code - DELETE Statement with DISTINCTROW and T-SQL Access Now() vs. T-SQL GETDATE() ? ADD and SUBTRACT depending on the condition is CASE STATEMENT ADD COLUMN to variable table? Add prefix in data column Add Time in SQL HH:MM:SS to another HH:MM:SS Adding a column to a lar...
If per partition statistics aren't supported an error is generated. Incremental stats aren't supported for following statistics types: Statistics created with indexes that aren't partition-aligned with the base table. Statistics created on Always On readable secondary databases. Statistics created on ...
UPDATE STATISTICS table_or_indexed_view_name [ { { index_or_statistics__name } | ( { index_or_statistics_name } [ ,...n ] ) } ] [ WITH [ [ FULLSCAN ] | SAMPLE number { PERCENT | ROWS } ] | RESAMPLE | <update_stats_stream_option> [ ,...n ] ] [ [ , ] [ ALL | CO...
UPDATESTATISTICSCustomer (CustomerStats1)WITHFULLSCAN; G. 更新表的所有统计信息 以下示例更新Customer表的所有统计信息。 SQL UPDATESTATISTICSCustomer; H. 将 CREATE STATISTICS 与 AUTO_DROP 配合使用 要使用自动删除统计信息,只需将以下内容添加到统计信息创建或更新的“WITH”子句中。
要确定统计信息最后更新的时间, 请使用STATS_DATE函数. 权限 如要运行这个命令, 你需要在表或视图上有ALTER权限. 例子 A. Update all statistics on a table The following example updates the statistics for all indexes on theSalesOrderDetailtable.