Applies to: SQL ServerYou can change the contents of multiple rows in one operation by using an Update query. For example, in a titles table you can use an Update query to add 10% to the price of all books for a particular publisher.When...
OPTION (<query_hint> [ ,... n ] ) 指定利用最佳化工具提示來自訂 Database Engine 處理陳述式的方式。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 查詢提示 (Transact-SQL)。最佳作法您可以使用 @@ROWCOUNT 函數,將插入的資料列數目傳回給用戶端應用程式。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 @@ROWCOUNT (Transact-SQL)。
13685819 Fixes an issue with insert query in SQL Server 2016 that reads the data from the same table and uses a parallel execution plan may produce duplicate rows. SQL Engine All 13984384 Fixes an Access Violation issue in 'AGDBErrorPublisherActual::PublishErrorReported' that occurs due to timin...
12221447 FIX: Slow performance in SQL Server 2017 when you run a query that contains HASHBYTES function when compared to SQL Server 2016 (KB4345228) SQL Server Engine Programmability Windows 12242742 FIX: Many xml_deadlock_report events are reported for one single intra-quer...
早期版本的 SQL Server 只支持对 UPDATE 和其他数据修改语句定义 AFTER 触发器。 不能在直接或间接引用定义有 INSTEAD OF 触发器的视图的 UPDATE 语句中指定 FROM 子句。 有关 INSTEAD OF 触发器的详细信息,请参阅 CREATE TRIGGER (Transact-SQL)。目前,无法在 Microsoft Fabric 中的仓库的 UPDATE 语句中指定 ...
早期版本的 SQL Server 只支持对 UPDATE 和其他数据修改语句定义 AFTER 触发器。 不能在直接或间接引用定义有 INSTEAD OF 触发器的视图的 UPDATE 语句中指定 FROM 子句。 有关 INSTEAD OF 触发器的详细信息,请参阅 CREATE TRIGGER (Transact-SQL)。目前,无法在 Microsoft Fabric 中的仓库的 UPDATE 语句中指定 ...
using (var conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { conn.Open(); const string insertQuery = @" INSERT INTO dbo.Suspension (pallet_position, processing_pallet_pkey, datetime_created, datetime_updated, [this.created_by], [this.updated_by]) OUTPUT INSERTED.pkey VALUES (1, 2, '20141013 ...
Using Views in Microsoft SQL Server By Craig S. Mullins Views are a very useful feature of relational technology in general, and Microsoft SQL Server specifically. They are wonderful tools that ease data access and system development when used prudently. Furthermore, views are simple to create ...
When the data stream is not present the query processor ignores the BULK option.Important We recommend that the BULK option not be used in SQL Server-based applications. This option might be changed or removed in a future version of SQL Server....
Applies to: SQL ServerYou can change the contents of multiple rows in one operation by using an Update query. For example, in a titles table you can use an Update query to add 10% to the price of all books for a particular publisher.When...