Get the latest PlayStation®3 system software update. PS3 system software update 4.91 An update to the PS3™ system software was released on 27/02/24. To download the update, you need a minimum of 200MB of free space on either the PS3 Hard Disk Drive (System Update) or on rem...
Powerful PS3. ? (Party System) Cross Game Voice Chat ? Voice Messaging (30 second – 60 second clip) ? Be able to hit the PS button to Answer a Message that a Friend has Sent ? Faster IN-GAME XMB.. take out useless options that can’t be used or Better Yet “REVAMP the whole ...
For additional information on PS3 system update v.4.50, including how to update your system, pleaseclick herewhen the update goes live. Let us know what you think about these new features in the comments below. Did you like this?
PS3systemsoftwareupdate系统升级及文件 系统标签: updatesoftwaresettingsfolderbuttonversion LatestVersion:4.78 AnupdatetothePS3™systemsoftwarewasreleasedonJanuary20, 2016.Youcanusethisupdatetoupgradeyoursystemsoftwareto version4.78. IfyourPS3™systemsoftwareversionis4.78(orlater),youdonot needtoperformthisupdat...
To download the update, you need a minimum of 200MB of free space on either the PS3 Hard Disk Drive (System Update) or on removable storage media (PC Update). Always update your PS3 system to the latest version of the system software. By updating, you can enjoy additional features, im...
PS3 System Software Update (v4.30)320 0 175 Like this Eric Lempel SVP & Head of Global Marketing, SIE Next Tuesday, October 23rd, we will be releasing a new system software update for PlayStation 3 (version 4.30). With this update we have made several changes to how Trophies are dis...
Hi everyone, in our continued effort to provide the best, most comprehensive entertainment experience possible, we’ll be adding a few new features to PlayStation 3 (PS3) via the latest system software update, which is a mandatory update and will be available shortly. Most notably, you’ll ...
Proceeding their previous PS3 OFW revision and recent PS3 Partial Message Service Ending announcement, today Sony pushed live a new PS3 Firmware / System Software 4.86 Update for those who still own a PlayStation 3 entertainment system video game console. As always, it's NEVER a wise idea ...
Mark Bowles PS3 Brand Manager Hi everyone, in our continued effort to provide the best, most comprehensive entertainment experience possible, we’ll be adding a few new features to PlayStation 3 (PS3) via the latest system software update, which is a mandatory update and will be available ...
When trying to update the PS3 system software, the error code 80710723 popped up after "please wait...". I found my PS3 didn't pick up the IP address/Default Router/Primary DNS/Secondary DNS (all 0s). I manually set everything, and it started the accepting user agreement and download...