如果是公测版,备份数据,直接从系统内更新。推送的7.1版本,我解压了那个修改版的twrp显示的是corrupt 03-03, 2018 17:220赞回复alexyin1984 加油现在的rom版本是什么?如果是公测版,备份数据,直接从系统内更新。 03-03, 2018 17:190赞回复M3101479858036 alexyin1984 发表于 2018-3-3 16:43 用官方rec或者修改...
in TWRP go to advanced > terminal, then create /cache/recovery with, 就是进入 twrp的 advanced-> terminal(这个是命令行),输入下面的命令
Patching system image unconditionally...E1001:Failed to update system image.Updater process endedwithERROR:7 疯狂查找国内外论坛,尝试了各种方法也不行,其中有且不限于: (1 删除名字为999的文件夹 (2 哈希校验刷机包,防止传输过程错误误码 (3 删除assert代码段校验机型的update- script (4 终端创建文件夹:...
Target: google/occam/mako:5.1.1/LMy48M/2167285:user/release-keys detected filesystem ext4 for /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system Patching system image unconditionally... E1001: Failed to update system image. Updater process ended with ERROR: 7 Thank you, Josh Reactions: Love XDA...
I tried a few times to flash this ROM, but it always stops at about 70% with error: E1001: Failed to update system image. Updater process ended with ERROR: 7 Error installing zip file '/sdcard1/lineage-17.1-20200311-mido-signed.zip'
12) Your device will automatically reboot into TWRP. Press any key on the batch file and your device will be rebooted to bootloader again. (This is all part of the unlocking process.) 13) Now you will see that your bootloader is unlocked. DISCONNECT USB CABLE 14) Turn off your d...