# Install PowerShell global tool RUN powershell_version=7.0.0 \ RUN powershell_version=7.1.0-preview.1 \ && wget -O PowerShell.Linux.Alpine.$powershell_version.nupkg https://pwshtool.blob.core.windows.net/tool/$powershell_version/PowerShell.Linux.Alpine.$powershell_version.nupkg \ && po...
New to powershell so I try running Update-Help and get the following error. Update-Help: Failed to update Help for the module(s) 'ConfigDefenderPerformance, PSReadline' with UI culture(s) {en-US...
Today, we’re happy to announce that we’re taking the first steps to making PowerShell 7 easier than ever to update on Windows 10 and Server. In the past, Windows users werenotifiedin their console that a new version of PowerShell 7 is available, but they still had to hop over to o...
PowerShell # Get-UpdateHelpVersion.ps1Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [String[]]$Module)$HelpInfoNamespace= @{helpInfo='http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/help/2010/05'}if($Module) {$Modules=Get-Module$Module-ListAvailable| where {$_.HelpInfoUri} }else{$Modules=Get-Module-List...
PowerShell Update-Module[[-Name] <String[]>] [-RequiredVersion <String>] [-MaximumVersion <String>] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-Scope <String>] [-Proxy <Uri>] [-ProxyCredential <PSCredential>] [-Force] [-AllowPrerelease] [-AcceptLicense] [-PassThru] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<Common...
PowerShell 7.2 is the latest long term supported (LTS) version. PowerShell 7.3 is the latest stable (non-LTS) version. Microsoft Update automatically updates you to the next patch level versions for both 7.2 and 7.3. For example, 7.2.x to 7.2.y and 7.3.x to 7.3.y. For more ...
What type of update are you requesting? A new version of an existing package Current Package Identifier Microsoft.PowerShell Package Version Please describe the changes you would like to see Add v7.4.4 Release of PowerShell Resol...
I have just installed Powershell 7 on my Windows 10 system and the first step, updating the help appears to be failing. see attached screenshot.Have I got a...
To determine if these prerequisite updates are installed, run the following PowerShell command: get-hotfix KB3173424,KB2919355, KB2919442. If the updates are installed, the command will return the installed date in the InstalledOn section of the output....
PowerShell $server=Get-WsusServer$config=$server.GetConfiguration()# Check current settings before you change them$config.MUUrl 应将Windows Server 2012 及更高版本配置为使用https://sws.update.microsoft.com终结点。 如果仍在使用https://sws1.update.microsoft.com或https://fe2.update.microsoft....