PowerShell 包含以下别名 Update-Module:所有平台: upmo 对于PowerShell 6.0 及更高版本,默认安装范围始终为 CurrentUser。 CurrentUser$HOME\Documents\PowerShell\Modules 的模块更新不需要提升的权限。 AllUsers$env:ProgramFiles\PowerShell\Modules 的模块更新需要提升的权限。
若要下载或更新 PowerShell 安装目录中模块($PSHOME\Modules)的帮助文件(包括 PowerShell Core 模块),请使用以管理员身份运行选项启动 PowerShell。 例如:Start-Process pwsh.exe -Verb RunAs。 示例 示例1:更新所有模块的帮助文件 Update-Helpcmdlet 更新支持可更新帮助的已安装模块的帮助文件。 用户界面(UI)区域性...
The Update-Help cmdlet downloads the newest help files for PowerShell modules and installs them on your computer. You need not restart PowerShell to make the change effective. You can use the Get-Help cmdlet to view the new help files immediately. Update
部署服務 API,用於使用 Microsoft Graph 和相關聯的 SDK (例如 PowerShell SDK) 之類工具來核准和排程特定更新 更新合規性,用於監視更新部署,其可從 Azure Marketplace 取得 部署服務不會將目標設定儲存到裝置。 服務位於雲端。 部署服務可做為管理工具 (例如 PowerShell) 與 Windows Update 服務之間的直...
This cmdlet lets you update the formatting data without restarting PowerShell.Without parameters, Update-FormatData reloads the formatting files that it loaded previously. You can use the parameters of Update-FormatData to add new formatting files to the session....
Allow PowerShell modules to load proxies multiple times. 287221 The CRM integration may raise a RemotingException exception when you use the CRM connection. 288473 Data is not saved when you change the page filter. 289218 The file is too large w...
{"__ref":"Forum:board:WindowsPowerShell"},"subject":"Re: PowerShell UPDATE-HELP error","readOnly":false,"editFrozen":false,"moderationData":{"__ref":"ModerationData:moderation_data:3736581"},"parent":{"__ref":"ForumReplyMessage:message:3736391"},"body":"You have many more modules ...
Updateint Microsoft365DSC with Update-M365DSCModule does not really update to the latest modules. When running the cmdLet, it will properly install the new version of Microsoft365DSC, but does not load the module properly. This will lead...
there have been significant changes to the Microsoft Graph and PowerShell modules. To ensure the scripts remain relevant and useful for the community, we have reviewed and updated a subset of the scripts and simplified code. In addition, new GitHub repos have been created t...
Please report issues or suggestions to the dotnet-interactive repo. Closing There’s still lots of work ahead of us as we target the 7.1 release towards the end of this calendar year. We expect to continue to have a new preview release every month for PowerShell and for our modules as ne...