这个可以用来代替add_post_meta(),update_post_meta() 首先会检查指定的 $post_id 的 $meta_key 是否已经存在,如果不存在,则会调用 add_post_meta($post_id, $meta_key, $meta_value),并返回其结果。 如果meta 不存在,返回 meta_id,否则更新成功返回 true,失败返回 false,如果传递过去的 meta_value 和...
However, you can also test out more advanced WordPress features or learn how WordPress functions work during the process. To accomplish this, consider updating posts with thewp_update_post()function. In this tutorial, we will explain the WordPresswp_update_post()function and cover its most popul...
}wp_cache_delete($object_id,$meta_type.'_meta');foreach($meta_idsas$meta_id) {do_action("updated_{$meta_type}_meta",$meta_id,$object_id,$meta_key,$_meta_value);if('post'===$meta_type) {do_action('updated_postmeta',$meta_id,$object_id,$meta_key,$meta_value); } }return...
相关方法 wp_update_core_maybe_update_coreupdate_metawp_update_commentupdate_category_cache 引入2.7.0弃用 -update_core: 这个函数更新WordPress的核心文件到一个新的版本。它通常在自动更新过程中被调用,但也可以手动触发。 升级WordPress的核心。 这将在WordPress目录的底部创建一个.maintenance文件,以确保在文件...
are going to help us to create a beautiful and attractive website without using a single line of code. So, so these all themes contain their own template tags which are going to define their post meta data like date and time. This post metadata is different in all WordPress theme files....
<p class="post-meta"> {%- assign date_format = site.date_format | default: "%Y-%m-%d" -%} {%- if page.last_modified_at -%} <span>更新于 </span> {%- assign mdate = page.last_modified_at | date_to_xmlschema -%} <time class="dt-modified" datetime="{{ mdate }}" item...
You can do this using apps or plugins, like Weblizar’s Pinterest Pin It button plugin for WordPress or Pin It: Pinterest Save Button for Shopify. These simple-to-integrate buttons direct your site visitors to either check out your Pinterest account or pin your site’s content on their ...
Update package.json to add the new command and also run it as a post command ofbuild: "scripts": {"build":"wp-scripts build","postbuild":"npm run build-blocks-manifest","build-blocks-manifest":"wp-scripts build-blocks-manifest", ...