PowerShell $MUSM.Services 檢查Name 和 OffersWindowsUPdates 參數的輸出,您可以根據下表加以解譯。 輸出意義 - 名稱:Microsoft更新 -OffersWindowsUpdates: True- 更新來源是Microsoft Update,這表示除了操作系統之外,其他Microsoft產品的更新也可以傳遞。 - 指出客戶端已設定為接收所有Microsoft產品的更新(Office 等) ...
Start Windows PowerShell as an administrator. Run the cmdlet: PowerShell Copy $MUSM = New-Object -ComObject "Microsoft.Update.ServiceManager" Run the cmdlet: PowerShell Copy $MUSM.Services Check the output for the Name and OffersWindowsUPdates parameters, which you can interpret according ...
PowerShell Copy Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Force After you have installed the provider you should be able to use any of the PowerShellGet cmdlets with the PowerShell Gallery. Let Install-Module prompt you to install the NuGet provider The following command attempts to install the ...
PowerShell $MUSM.Services Name パラメーターと OffersWindowsUPdates パラメーターの出力を確認します。このパラメーターは、この表に従って解釈できます。 出力意味 - 名前: Microsoft Update -OffersWindowsUpdates: True- 更新ソースは Microsoft Update です。つまり、オペレーティング システム...
I'm using Windows 10 and Powershell 5.1 Get-PSRepository has result : PSGallery Untrustedhttps://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2 whereas Update-Module returns error PackageManagement\Install-Package : Unable to find repository 'https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2/'. Use Get-PSRepository ...
Notifies users on startup of PowerShell that a new version of PowerShell has been released. Long description Beginning with PowerShell 7.0, PowerShell uses update notifications to alert users to the existence of updates to PowerShell. Once per day, PowerShell queries an online service to deter...
I also noticed on PowerShell Core 6.0 Prev, there is no module name WindowsUpdateProvider. My thought was to see if that module was available for Core 6.0 and then borrow the updated URI from the manifest in Core and then replace the URI in the manifest in Windows PowerShell 5.1 (make ...
Install-Package Refresher Add service to the app builder.Services.AddSingleton<RefresherService>(); Inject the service or invoke it directly C# (service) app.MapGet("/update", async () => { var provider = builder.Services.BuildServiceProvider(); var updater = provider.GetService<RefresherSe...
Microsoft.Graph.Beta.PowerShell.Models.IMicrosoftGraphPrivilegedAccess Notes COMPLEX PARAMETER PROPERTIES To create the parameters described below, construct a hash table containing the appropriate properties. For information on hash tables, run Get-Help about_Hash_Tables. BODYPARAMETER <IM...
The goal of PowerShellGet 3.0 is to simplify the user experience so you don’t get error messages telling you to add more switches to do what you intended. Also, we removed the dependency on PackageManagement module and nuget.exe so updating PowerShellGet should be much easier. Finally, ...