the atomic submarine the atronach the attacking line the attorney generals the audit commission the australian nation the australian strang the australian woolsh the author adds the author concerning the author hopes that the author introduces the authors name is o the authorbelieved th the authorized...
"fixed", "aircraft" and "ship" are also derivable from the MMSI prefix (ship being everything that's not one of the others, so we can make that a default if the value is missing). These values are enough to choose an icon to represent the AIS station on a map. Second field I'd...
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) World renowned gold expert Jim Sinclair is worried about the crisis in Ukraine. Sinclair says, “Welcome back to the cold war that can get hot overnight.” It appears President Obama has brought ba
Say we are missing the opening, but are within 400 miles of it, the gyroscope will dip up as we enter into the depression, but at the bottom of the depression, it will then stop dipping up and then as we start out of the depression, it will start dipping down. At this point, we...