Current tremor amplitude at Etna (image: INGV Catania)Yesterday evening, as new phase of strombolian activity has restarted at the Voragine, with volcanic tremor showing a gradual increase over the afternoon and night. After the last paroxysm had ended a week ago, Etna's summit craters had bee...
Update On Earthquakes And Volcanic Activity Marching NorthwardWilliam Cormier
The eruption that began on 19 March, lasted exactly 6 months. "Of course, it is always a matter of saying exactly when a particular eruption is over, because volcanic activity can be very cyclical", says Sara Barsotti, director of volcanic eruptions at the Icelandic Meteorological Office. "...
Jan 10, 2025 20:51 - Activity Update: All volcanoes in the Cascade Range of Oregon and Washington are at normal background activity levels. These include Mount Baker, Glacier Peak, Mount Rainier, Mount St. Helens, and Mount Adams in Washington State and Mount Hood, Mount Jefferson, Three ...
coreuseractivitymanager.createuseractivitysessioninbackground coreuseractivitymanager.deleteuseractivitysessionsintimerangeasync windows.applicationmodel.useractivities iuseractivitycontentinfo iuseractivitycontentinfo iuseractivitycontentinfo.tojson useractivity useractivity useractivity.activationuri useractivity.activity...
Halemaʻumaʻu Overlook (closed since 2008 due to volcanic hazards) at the far left. Jaggar Museum, visible on the skyline in the upper right part of the photo, is a popular destination in Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park for viewing the lava lake activity and spattering lake surface....
(previously referred to as Bokoro East) is one of the largest and most promising new exploration targets at the Project. The target is located south of the established Selin deposit along the Selin South structure and is a site of active artisanal mining activity. Current known dimensions of ...
Changed:Geothermal PlanettoMetal Smelting Plant- Many points of limited volcanic activity provide easy access to energy, improving the local economy. Changed:Secret Military Labto a minor faction reward. Renamed:Autonomous RefinerytoOrbital Mining Controland restricted to only asteroids and moons. ...
The volcanic tremor has diminished. The ground is still being deflated reflecting continued magma intrusion and migration under the Svartsengi area. The current lava flow is believed to rival the most intense eruptions at Fagradalsfjall. Source: Icelandic Met Office volcano activity update 26 Novembe...
The erupted lava "is basaltic and highly fluid with little explosive activity. It is a very small eruption and the lava flow has been steady at 5-7 m3/s since its onset. Currently the extent of the lava field is within Geldingadalur but if the eruption ke...