您可以通过使用 Config.xml 文件部署的静默安装的 Microsoft Office 2010年。 更新文件夹是 Config.xml < SetupUpdates > 节中指定的。例如︰ <SetupUpdatesCheckForSUpdates="Yes" SUpdateLocation="C:\Updates2" /> 启动Office 2010 的无提示安装。
The cumulative update packages for February 2011 contain the latest hotfixes for the Microsoft Office 2010 core suite applications and for Microsoft Office 2010 servers. We recommend that you test hotfixes before you deploy them in a production environment. Because the builds are cumulative, each new...
Setup logs are not automatically created during the installation of the Office 2010 updates. To generate the Microsoft Self-Extractor logs, you must use the /log switch and the path of a specific log file. To create a log for an Office 2010 SP1 package, type the following at the command ...
Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Office 2010 64-Bit Edition. This update provides the latest fixes to Microsoft Office 2010 64-Bit Edition. Additionally, this update contains stability and performance improvements.
Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Office 2010 64-Bit Edition. This update provides the latest fixes to Microsoft Office 2010 64-Bit Edition. Additionally, this update contains stability and performance improvements.
update for Office2010 beta 《你逗我玩呢?office 2010 里用不了微软拼音2010 》一文中说了office技术预览版中不能支持微软拼音2010的问题。 仅仅不到一个月时间,office 2010 beta 版本就已经开放下载了 下载地址:http://technet.microsoft.com/zh-cn/evalcenter/ee390818.aspx...
昨日,Office 2010 SP1,Office 2010 的第一个补丁包(Service Pack 1)已经提供下载,具体参见IT之家《Office 2010 SP1 简体中文版(X86 & X64)下载》,按照惯例,微软本应是90天后通过update推送sp1。出乎意料的,今早就可以在Windows Update里发现推送补丁了。补丁编号KB2510690,说明为“KB2510690包含了可改进安全性、性...
During the release of Office 2010 Service Pack 1 we found that if you had an Office install with multiple languages only the English version would be updated. On October 17th we rolled out the fix that would detect multiple languages on the same machine thus upd...
Configuration Manager 會繼續從硬體清查收集資訊,以在控制台中填入 Office 365 用戶端管理儀錶板。 如需如何取消註冊 Office COM 的相關信息,請參閱 啟用Office 365 用戶端以接收來自 Office CDN 而非 Configuration Manager 的更新。 針對內容記憶體使用 CMG 時,如果啟用 [在可用的用戶端時下載差異內容] 設定,則...
The MSDN Office Developer Center (ODC) provides a developer roadmap to understand and work with Office System programs, servers, services, tools and technologies.As we prepare for our next product release (Office 2010 and SharePoint 2010), we worked on a set of site updates to ...