这个 灭明白你说什么
當裝置檢查更新時,Windows Update Orchestrator 會評估更新是否適合您的裝置。 它會使用更新發行者所定義的指導方針,例如,Microsoft Office,包括企業組策略。 請確定您已熟悉與 Windows Update 掃描相關的下列術語: 詞彙定義 更新我們使用此詞彙來表示數個不同的專案,但在此內容中,它是實際更新的程式代碼或變更。
您可以藉由設定 AllowMUUpdateService 原則,將系統設定為接收其他Microsoft產品的更新,也稱為Microsoft更新 (,例如 Microsoft Office、Visual Studio) ,以及 Windows 更新。 當您這麼做時,這些Microsoft更新會遵循與所有其他品質更新相同的延遲和暫停規則。 如需可能更新的其他Microsoft產品清單,請參閱 更新其他Microsoft產品...
Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Office 2010 32-Bit Edition. This update provides the latest fixes to Microsoft Office 2010 32-Bit Edition. Additionally, this update contains stability and performance improvements.
Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Office 2010 64-Bit Edition. This update provides the latest fixes to Microsoft Office 2010 64-Bit Edition. Additionally, this update contains stability and performance improvements.
of the 2007 Office system that you are using. When you find that text, look immediately before it, and you should find additional information about the failure with a Windows Installer Error Message. To lear...
NoteTo apply this security update, you must have the release version ofService Pack 3 for the 2007 Microsoft Office Suiteinstalled on the computer. How to get and install the update Method 1: Microsoft Update This update is available from Microsoft Update. When...
当你尝试安装或扫描 Microsoft Office 更新或向计算机上任何使用 Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1(也称为 MSI)和 Windows Update Agent 的应用程序应用更新时,就可能会遇到此问题。要解决这个问题要么卸载OFFICE重装!要么请应用最新的 Msi.dll 修补程序。