What you’ll need: Alabama driver’s license card number and your new address. If you’re moving to Alabama from out of state: License: Time: Within 30 days of your move Process: You will need to go to your local driver’s license office to apply for a new license. There you’ll...
The software, computers and actuators that control it will be purchased or leased from a vendor, and then it will be a matter of what the license says. As soon as you do whatever sets the thing in motion (voice command, biometric sensor, phone app, whatever) you will be responsible for...
I put my user = m33600, the password and the status was my robot message: Settima robot message: ALARM ZONE 3 (sent via command line). Now bots may have their identity on twitter... Show Sample Output 2 curl -u YourUsername:YourPassword -d status="Your status message go here" ...