Hello, I'm looking for an option to update Microsoft Store apps remotely (via PowerShell, CLI, etc.). Because of compliance reasons we can't enable auto-update. Is there any way to trigger "Update all" option in Microsoft Store for remote…
主页 Launcher There should be a Powershell c... 我的反馈 发布于Launcher LR Leandro Rocha · 1 年前 There should be a Powershell command to update all Microsoft Store Apps to All Users on the pc, to be used by admins
Tip:You can’t be too careful when performing Microsoft Store Windows 11 update to avoid unnecessary troubles like data loss. However, if you really lost important files while updating Microsoft Store Windows 11, please get a powerful recovery tool to help you. MiniTool Power Data Recovery Trial...
Manage Microsoft Store apps with Powershell Manage Network Share with Different Credentials Manage Optional Features app shows no add-ons for non-admins Managing the "Give me updates for other Microsoft products when I update Windows" option Map Network Drive based on "Computer Name" ma...
PowerShell $MUSM.Services Check the output for the Name and OffersWindowsUPdates parameters, which you can interpret according to this table. OutputMeaning - Name: Microsoft Update -OffersWindowsUpdates: True- The update source is Microsoft Update, which means that updates for other Microso...
PowerShell $registryPath="HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\WindowsUpdate\Orchestrator\Configurations"$Name="UsoDisableAADJAttribution"$value="1"if(!(Test-Path$registryPath)) {New-Item-Path$registryPath-Force|Out-Null}New-ItemProperty-Path$registryPath-Name$name-Value$value-PropertyTypeDWORD-Force|Out-Null ...
PowerShell $registryPath="HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\WindowsUpdate\Orchestrator\Configurations"$Name="UsoDisableAADJAttribution"$value="1"if(!(Test-Path$registryPath)) {New-Item-Path$registryPath-Force|Out-Null}New-ItemProperty-Path$registryPath-Name$name-Value$value-PropertyTypeDWORD-Force|Out-Null ...
Test new installs of PowerShell 7.2 preview If you don’t already have PowerShell 7.2 preview installed, you can still help us try out a new install method! Again, you’ll need to have Windows 10 RS3 (10.0.16299) or newer installed and Microsoft Update enabled. Then, run the following...
你已有一个 Windows 映像,并且映像中会旁加载多个Microsoft应用商店应用。 你想要从映像中删除一些旁加载Appx的包,并对其进行进一步自定义。 启动到引用计算机并运行以下 PowerShell 命令之一以删除包的Appx预配: Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -PackageName <packagename> ...
ExchangePowerShell Applies to: Exchange Server 2013, Exchange Server 2016, Exchange Server 2019 This cmdlet is available only in on-premises Exchange. Use the Update-StoreMailboxState cmdlet to synchronize the mailbox state for a mailbox in the Exchange mailbox store with the state of the corre...