✅ Windows 11 Update Messed up my Computer:I'm having a technical issue. I cannot download the xbox app on the pc anymore, my microsoft apps aren't working Microsoft store, photos,...
Windows Update messed up my computer 2022– Uninstalling the latest Windows update is one of the best solutions in this case. Windows Update is not up to date but no updates– Perhaps you will simply have to wait until the devs will push a new update. This being said, let’s see what ...
✅ Latest Win10 update messed up my PC:hello! today i've installed the latest update for windows 10 that came out a few days ago. now my pc wont shut down. the leds from my...
Y'all update messed up my computer. Cant do anything
Update 13.3 messed up my iphone 7 This “update” using that term loosely has completely messed up my phone! Web pages aren’t displaying properly so i can’t pay my bills online like I usually do, double pages one over the other so the content can’t be clicked on...my batter lif...
A recent system update or change messed up some registry files. If you’re feeling adventurous, try to manually restore the Windows Update service by editing the Windows Registry. But, be warned, it’s not for the faint of heart! Only attempt it if you’re comfortable with tinkering with ...
An apology on a blog doesn't mean anything, unless MS are now saying that Blogs are official means of communications. I have this stuff all over my networks, and servers, because MS messed up. I don't have the time to fix it, so my users are just going to have to live with it....
However when I rebooted my computer several hours later to show a colleague at work the problem had fixed itseelf and I now have 8GB disk space again. So for the time being at least, it all seems ok and hopefully it will stay fixed this time. Thanks again for y...
no issue here, dont see anyone else report this yet, if your computer does meet requirements and sucure boot and tpm are both on, something got messed up, try see if can change to dev channel as the builds are the same right now, if not i would be doing clean insta...
Cant believe that it actually messed the motherboard totally. -Tomi Something like that happened to me before My CPU got damaged because of the 0x129 and I needed to send it to Germany to get it fixed