在Firebird中,可以使用UPDATE或INSERT INTO语句来更新或插入数据。 要实现自动递增Firebird字段值,可以使用生成器(Generator)和触发器(Trigger)的组合。 生成器(Generator):生成器是Firebird中用于生成唯一序列值的对象。可以使用以下语句创建一个生成器: 生成器(Generator):生成器是Firebird中用于生成唯一序列值的对象...
col_name=expr] ... ] 2. 在UPDATE字句中可以使用VALUES(col_name)函数来引用INSERT字句中的VALUES值...
多版本并发控制技术已经被广泛运用于各大数据库系统中,如Oracle,MS SQL Server 2005+, Postgresql, Firebird, Maria等等,开源数据库MYSQL中流行的INNODB引擎也采用了类似的并发控制技术.本文就将结合实例来解析不同事务隔离等级下INNODB的MVCC实现原理. 1 MVCC概述 1.1 MVCC简介 MVCC (Multiversion Concurrency Control)...
Firebirdmerge into fsql.InsertOrUpdate<T>().SetSource(items)//Data to be processed//.IfExistsDoNothing() //If the data exists, do nothing (that means, insert the data if and only if the data does not exist)//.UpdateSet((a, b) => a.Count == b.Count + 10).ExecuteAffrows();...
Oracle, Firebird, PostgreSQL - the RETURNING phrase; DB2 - the SELECT ... FROM FINAL TABLE phrase; SQL Server, SQL Anywhere, SQLite - the SQL batch with an additional SELECT command; otherwise - an additional SELECT command. 5. Updates Command Caching ...
FirebirdInsertStatement.html FirebirdUpdateStatement.html shardingsphere-parser-sql-statement-hive dependencies.html rat-report.html shardingsphere-parser-sql-statement-mysql dependencies.html rat-report.html shardingsphere-parser-sql-statement-opengauss dependencies.html rat-report.html sharding...
多版本并发控制技术已经被广泛运用于各大数据库系统中,如Oracle,MS SQL Server 2005+, Postgresql, Firebird, Maria等等,开源数据库MYSQL中流行的INNODB引擎也采用了类似的并发控制技术.本文就将结合实例来解析不同事务隔离等级下INNODB的MVCC实现原理.1 MVCC概述1.1 MVCC简介MVCC (Multi ...
With Firebird, I use ArraySize = 1,000,000 (60 sec) without problems. An empirical formula was found, allowing us to determine the maximum size of an array. FireDAC automatically splits one large array into several chunks. It is not that simple to find a similar one for Oracle. ...
存在bug导致master库之前的数据库不能被命中. 7. Db->add()方法中对_after_insert()回调的处理依赖last_insert_id, 对无自增id的表则无法处理 8. TagLibCx中compiler()方法对标签的处理, literal编号只有一位数字, 当模板中标签超过10个时, 导致模板无法展现. 涉及点: 1. 设计相关概念 2. 请求分发流程 ...
100).Added: You can have more that one user account for FireBird based database. 101).Added: Viewer now can be launched in View mode (Viewer can be configured to any DB or View mode). 102).Added: Viewer's database now supports storing files, associated with the report (you can also...