Enable-AddressListPaging Get-AddressBookPolicy Get-AddressList Get-DetailsTemplate Get-EmailAddressPolicy Get-GlobalAddressList Get-OabVirtualDirectory Get-OfflineAddressBook Move-AddressList Move-OfflineAddressBook New-AddressBookPolicy New-AddressList
使用Update-GlobalAddressList 指令程式可更新全域通訊清單 (GAL)。語法複製 update-GlobalAddressList -Identity <GlobalAddressListIdParameter> [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-DomainController <Fqdn>] [-UseRusServer <String>] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]] ...
Welcome to the Microsoft Update Catalog site. We want your feedback! Visit our newsgroup or send us an email to provide us with your thoughts and suggestions. To get started using the site, enter in your search terms in the Search box above or visit our FAQ for search tips....
Remove-GlobalAddressList (RTM) Set-GlobalAddressList (RTM) Update-GlobalAddressList (RTM) Get-DetailsTemplate (RTM) Set-DetailsTemplate (RTM) Restore-DetailsTemplate (RTM) 離線通訊錄指令程式 (RTM) E-mail Address Policy Cmdlets (RTM) 收件者指令程式 (RTM) ...
Added three parameters through the global interfaceshowDialogto FVS templates. Platform Optimized display information inRegistration Managementby merging the version number and JAR package information for display, and displaying project concurrency details in a details table. ...
GLOBAL Specifies that cursor_name refers to a global cursor.cursor_name Is the name of the open cursor from which the fetch should be made. If both a global and a local cursor with the name cursor_name exist, this argument refers to the global cursor if GLOBAL is specified; otherwise, ...
CMSPAddress::ReceiveTSPAddressData 方法 CMSPAddress::UpdateTerminalList 方法 CreateMSPCallHelper 函数 MSPEVENTITEM 结构 ShutdownMSPCallHelper 函数 Mspcall.h Mspstrm.h Rend.h Tapi.h Tapi3.h Tapi3cc.h Tapi3ds.h Tapi3if.h Termmgr.h
Global Partner Agreement (GPA) - Windows Price List and Product Terms AT 1005 Section 2.1 (a) Windows 10 Home Products preinstall is waived for Windows Release 21H1. 2. Company must comply with the following technical requirements. 2.1 Windows Release Support Windows 10 Home Products. Fo...
IsGlobal IssueType IsWorkloadProtected KnownAccess KnownActionType KnownAddressPrefixType KnownAdminRuleKind KnownAdminState KnownApplicationGatewayBackendHealthServerHealth KnownApplicationGatewayClientRevocationOptions KnownApplicationGatewayCookieBasedAffinity KnownApplicationGatewayCustomErrorStatusCode KnownAppl...
(earning less than €10 million in global business revenue) that have not previously exceeded one million first annual installs are provided with a 3-year free on-ramp to the CTF. Additionally, if a small developer grows to earn between €10 million and €50 million global annual business ...