updategitlabcommitstatus 文心快码BaiduComate 在GitLab中,更新commit status通常是通过GitLab的Commit Status API来实现的。这个API允许你为你的项目中的特定commit设置状态,比如成功、失败、正在运行等。下面我将详细解释如何更新GitLab commit status,包括API的工作原理、获取必要参数、构建请求URL、发送POST请求以及处理...
I recently upgraded my GitLab instance to a newer version and noticed a change in behavior when using the updateGitlabCommitStatus step in Jenkins pipelines. Prior to the upgrade, when I triggered a Jenkins pipeline that utilized updateGitlabCommitStatus, GitLab would display the different stages...
Issue Error bellow is occuring after update Jackson2 API plugin to version 2.13.1-242.v1a45bad25ceb (This plugin can't be rollbacked to previous version). The problem is occuring everytime I use updateGitlabCommitStatus and this is a hug...
Context Gitlab plugin version: 1.5.11 Gitlab version: 11.7.0-rc4-ee Jenkins version: 2.157 Job type: Pipeline, Freestyle, Matrix, etc. Logs & Traces Failed to update Gitlab commit status for project '/': HTTP 403 Forbidden Finished: SUCC...
链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1TzjipMeiAdeXpcN1i7qYjw 提取码:如下代码 public static ...
Offering: GitLab.com, GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated Occasionally, after you’ve made a few commits to your branch, you realize you need to update one or more commit messages. Perhaps you found a typo, or some automation warned you that your commit message didn’t completely align ...
Summary After upgrading GitLab-EE Omnibus installation from 14.1.3 to 14.2, the server responds with "502 Whoops, GitLab is taking too much...
Feature (Paid): Support GitLab links (copy / open / navigate from git url) Changes in 500.0.4+233 Fix: Fetch uri matching leads to NPE (#458) Changes in 500.0.3+233 Fix: commit completion sometimes does not work (#441) Fix: inline blame overeager with link clicks ...
For projects with a commit message template set, it will ignore the template. Announced: 2021-11-22 Planned removal: 2022-05-22 Removal of promote-db command from gitlab-ctl In GitLab 14.5, we introduced the command gitlab-ctl promote to promote any Geo secondary node to a primary during...
datakit version # Confirm that the current running DataKit is the latest version Version: 1.4.16 Commit: 1357544bd6 Branch: master Build At(UTC): 2022-09-20 11:43:20 Golang Version: go version go1.18.3 linux/amd64 Uploader: zy-infra-gitlab-prod-runner/root/xxx ReleasedInputs: checked ...