感謝您下載 Microsoft Update For Windows - 中文(繁體) 購物車 Surface 裝置 原創設計 立即選購 如果您的下載並未在 30 秒後啟動,請 按一下這裡以手動下載 常用下載 產品: 01 Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 (完整套件) Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 是一種累計更新,其中包含...
Microsoft 365 伴您充分善用每一天 您可獲享網上防護、安全雲端儲存空間,以及迎合您需求的創新 Apps,盡在單一方案中。 1 位用戶最多 6 位用戶 Microsoft Update For Windows - 中文 (香港特別行政區) 本下載項目即將推出繁體中文版的說明。為了能更快提供您所需要的資訊,我們提供了英文版的說明。
update for windows10for x64-based sestems 是基于x64的系统的窗口10的更新。
update for windows10for x64-based systems是适用于基于x64的系统的Windows 10累积更新程序。发布日期为2015年8月11日,包括改进的Windows 10的功能,并解决了以下漏洞:1、3086251ms15-092:漏洞在.NET框架可能允许特权提升,2、3084525ms15-091:为微软边缘累积安全更新,3、3082458ms15-088:不安全...
Windows 10, version 1607, all editionsWindows Server 2016, all editions Release Date: 4/25/2019 Version: OS Build 14393.2908 Summary This update includes the quality improvements fromKB4493470, in addition to these key changes: Addresses an issue in Server ...
This update for Windows Server 2012 and Windows Embedded 8 Standard includes the quality improvements fromKB4503263(released June 11, 2019), in addition to these key changes: Addresses an issue that may display the error, “MMC has detected an error in a snap-in and will unload it.” when...
windows update for windows 10 發行項 2015/08/28 I’m about to install Hyper-V on the family desktop system and the Windows 10 updates are also keeping that system up to date. It’s the only system that I have been running for over 6 years straight (the next longest is about 4 ...
现在微软正式发布了Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1511 for x64-based Systems (KB3120677),该更新是为了解决用户从Win10 RTM(Build 10240)升级到TH2后部分隐私设置选项没有被恢复的问题。之前微软从官网撤下了Win10首个重要更新(代号为TH2)的《介质创建工具》,而Windows Update也已经...
On February 23 this year, Microsoft released an update to Windows 7 that will detect more than 70 known and potentially dangerous activation exploits. The update will check for new activation exploits every 90 days.If any activation exploits are found, Windows will alert the customer and offer ...