UPDATE FM、CALL FUNCTION IN UPDATE TASK 技术标签:ABAP 查看原文 SAP数据更新的触发 和VBMOD表中,COMMITWORK时更新操作在UPDATE进程中执行,此时调用程序不等待被调用函数的返回,使用的为异步方式.如果使用COMMITWORKAND WAIT,此时调用程序等待被调用函数的返回,使用的为同步方式. 本地方式在调用函数前需要执行SET...
update fm update fm需要在属性中勾选“更新模块” 然后在程序中使用 call function in update task调用,此时不会立即执行函数,在执行到commit work时触发执行(注:debug隐式提交不会触发)。 update task不在当前dialog work process中执行,会在update work process中异步执行。dialog work process把修改数据写入簇表V...
UPDATE MODULE里包含实际的数据库更新语句。 使用这样写法的FM不会立即执行,而是写进LOG TABLE,作为一个执行请求,一个SAP LUW下的更新请求存储在同一个UPDATE KEY下对一个SAP LUW来说UPDATE KEY是一个唯一的世界范围的识别码,意思就是一个SAP LUW的UPDATE KEY是唯一的,不会和另外的SAP LUW的UPDATE KEY重复 。
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, Can i raise exceptions in a FM that is an update module (start imm)? If i cannot raise exceptions, kindly tell me a way i can handle errors? this FM requires me to create a Service order. and am going to call this FM in a user exit. Ki...
Solved: hi experts, I have a RFC FM in system B and i want to call it from system A. if the system B is down when the call happens then the call is lost. basically i
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi all, I have a FM 'Z_SAVE'. In attributes it's marked as Update Module - Start immed. In code I call it by call function 'Z_SAVE' in update task exporting it_insert = mt_insert it_delete = mt_delete it_update = mt_update clear: mt_insert...
Here all database updates are processed at the end of the SAP LUW in contrast to normal FM call where the database updates are done and commited at the time of call (Database LUW). It is necessary to bundle all your database updates in an SAP LUW e.g. all database updates in a...
get_sap_luw_key: return current LUW ID I just use a very simple report to test them. First I call the FM ZSQF in a normal way, then call it via update task, then register it with PERFORM ON COMMIT and trigger it via COMMIT WORK. ...
This migration procedure refers only to the enhanced function of the payment selection. A migration of the payment update in FM in the case of the conventional payment selection function is only possible when all open items are cleared in Financial Accounting (FI) and FM. ...
In addition to this update FM and commit work/commit work and wait, sometimes the abap command- SET UPDATE TASK LOCAL can be maintained. In such a case, the FM ‘XXXX’ in update task ( HIGH Priority- Update type as – Start Immed or Immed Start, No Restart), is not written to the...