發生此問題的原因是,Exchange Server 開放驗證 (OAuth) 憑證已過期。 解決方法: 若要修正此問題,請遵循本文中的步驟。 回到頁首 安裝Exchange 後,無法存取 EAC 或 OWA 問題: 當您安裝 Exchange Server 2016 或 Exchange Server 2013 時,安裝程式可能會在某個階段失敗或中斷,然後繼續,最後順利完成。 不過,當...
After you install Microsoft Exchange Server 2019, 2016, or 2013, you can't access Outlook Web App (OWA) or Exchange Control Panel (ECP). For more information, seeCan't sign in to Outlook on the web or EAC if Exchange Server OAuth certific...
For more information, see Can't sign in to Outlook on the web or EAC if Exchange Server OAuth certificate is expired. Issue 6 After you install the July 2021 security update for Microsoft Exchange Server 2019, 2016, or 2013, you can't log...
Users in a Microsoft Exchange Server environment receive the following error message when they try to set a new password for Windows: Unable to update the password. The value provided for the new password does not meet the length, complexity, or history requirements of the domain. ...
credentials) after CU14 is installed in environments that use SSL Offloading on load balancer. If you use SSL Offloading on LB, please note that SSL Offloading isnot supported with Extended Protection. SSL Bridging is supported instead, with the same SSL certifica...
Another new feature introduced in this HU is thesupport for ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography) certificates. ECC certificates however are not supported for the federation trust certificate, the Exchange server OAuth certificate and ECC certificates cannot be used when ADFS claims-based authentication is ...
如果收件人接受来自设备或非 Outlook 客户端的会议邀请,但该客户端不接受禁用 的请求响应 设置,则仍可能会发生此行为。 已知此行为发生在Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) 的某些第三方实现中。解决方法 2:在发送更新之前手动删除其他响应重新打开会议以发送更新时,请先从“ 收件人 ”字段中删除其他...
These support modern authentication (OAuth 2.0 & OpenID Connect) and customers of Microsoft 365 are advised to regularly check for Microsoft's announcement on the timeline for removing HTTP Basic Auth from Microsoft Exchange Web Services (EWS) and to plan the migration to the new profiles in ...
Ron Houetit stillneedsa password, but the password during onboarding is entered in a separate web browser window (during OAuth phase) which means it isnot stored/entered in the app. Greg Taylor - EXCHANGE 1. Clear, I've set the policy to my account and this is ...
api-version=2023-01-31 { "properties": { "issuer": "https://oidc.prod-aks.azure.com/TenantGUID/IssuerGUID", "subject": "system:serviceaccount:ns:svcaccount", "audiences": [ "api://AzureADTokenExchange" ] } } 範例回覆 狀態碼: 201 JSON 複製 { "id": "/subscriptions/c2...