Currently if you** dotnet tool update --global**, you need to add name of the tool that should be updated. You can list all the tools but it would be great if there would be possibility to use a) wildcard naming (e.g. dotnet-ef-*) or b) have another flag or a...
This pull request updates the following dependencies From Subscription: 9af40d03-dc38-4090-7890-08dcbc301dc2 Build: 20240904.1 Date Produced: September 4, 2024 7:5...
Solution: the EF core tools version needs to be updated please executed this in CMD: dotnet tool update -g dotnet-ef This article was last edited at 2020-10-21 02:58:59 如何安裝SignTool 430Reads 最佳方式是安裝Windows SDK,如果你有安裝Visual Studio 2022的話,可以在其Installer裏選項添加Windows...
To undothisaction,use Remove-Migration.#这句话就是说已经成功创建了迁移 3、将迁移信息生成到数据库 dotnet ef database update #使用命令dotnet ef database update 这个init是要生成的迁移的目录 后面-c 带的是你自己写的entity信息的类名 PM> dotnet ef database update -c ProjectLogsContext Applying mig...
This pull request updates the following dependencies From Subscription: fa1f528a-e7ff-4e78-9ac0-b83f23ef2762 Build: 20241001.3 Date Produced: October 1, 2024 4:34:...
)打开命令行,全局安装 dotnet-ef: dotnet tool install --global dotnet-e )关闭命令行,重新打开,cd进入项目文件夹 )输入dotnet ef命令:dotnet ef migrations add InitialMigration )如果成功,继续输入命令:dotnet ef database update 1 1 专业吃瓜摸鱼 谢谢老师的解答!后来使用了ASP.NET Core Razor来完成项目...
Command:dotnet.exe Arguments:ef dbcontext scaffold "your-connection-string" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer --output-dir=Models --force Initial Directory:$(ProjectDir) 点击Apply 和 Ok Tools菜单会出现 Update DbContext点击即可 连接字符串貌似得使用带有密码的否则会报instance failure ...
public virtual Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.EntityEntry Update (object entity); 參數 entity Object 要更新的實體。 傳回 EntityEntry EntityEntry實體的 。 專案可讓您存取實體的變更追蹤資訊和作業。 備註 一般而言,在呼叫 之前 SaveChanges() ,不會執行任何資料庫互動。 將會執行導覽屬性的遞...
public virtual System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.EntityEntry> Entries { get; } 属性值 IReadOnlyList<EntityEntry> 适用于 产品版本 Entity Framework Core 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0 在...
Microsoft.sharepoint.dotnetinterceptor.dll_001 15.0.5455.1000 16,808 12-Jul-2022 09:51 Microsoft.sharepoint.dotnetinterceptor.dll Microsoft.sharepoint.dotnetinterceptor.dll 15.0.5455.1000 16,808 12-Jul-2022 09:51 O365configuration.xml O365configurati...