-FlutterFlow v5.0.11+ released November 13, 2024-Flutter version is 3.24.2-Platform: Web-Browser name and version: Chrome Versão 130.0.6723.117 (Versão oficial) 64 bits-Operating system and version affected: Windows 11 Home Additional Information No response...
LianjiaTech/bruno - An enterprise-class package of Flutter components for mobile applications. ( Bruno 是基于一整套设计体系的 Flutter 组件库。) (stars: 3329, license: mit) isar/isar - Extremely fast, easy to use, and fully async NoSQL database for Flutter (stars: 3712, license: apache-2.0...
This document is currently invalid. Please refer to the documentation page of the product. 1. API Description Domain name for API request: cloudaudit.tencentcloudapi.com. This API is used to modify the resources to monitor, recorder name, and other recorder configurations. ...
Adobe Document Services 1 Adobe forms 1 ADS 1 ADS Config 1 ADS with ABAP 1 ADS with Java 1 ADT 4 Advance Shipping and Receiving 1 Advanced ABAP 1 Advanced Event Mesh 4 Advanced formula 1 Advanced Formulas 2 Advanced Metric 1 Advanced SAP Techniques 1 Advanced Scripting...
Cloud Virtual Machine History Introduction API Category Region APIs DescribeZones Instance APIs RunInstances DescribeInstances DescribeInstanceFamilyConfigs DescribeInstancesOperationLimit InquiryPriceRunInstances InquiryPriceResetInstance InquiryPriceResetInstancesType StartInstances RebootInstances StopInstances ResizeInstanceDi...
Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond - Update triage flow chart for SVG packages · flutter/flutter@46c7745
A SQL injection in the flutter_downloader component through 1.11.1 for iOS allows remote attackers to steal session tokens and overwrite arbitrary files inside the app's container. The internal database of the framework is exposed to the local user if an app uses UIFileSharingEnabled and LSSupport...
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InquiryPriceResetInstancesType StartInstances RebootInstances StopInstances ResizeInstanceDisks ResetInstancesPassword ModifyInstancesAttribute EnterRescueMode ExitRescueMode InquirePricePurchaseReservedInstancesOffering InquiryPriceResizeInstanceDisks TerminateInstances ModifyInstancesProject ResetInstancesType DescribeInstancesStat...
The implementation of PermissionUtils.updatePermissionShouldShowStatus looks very suspicious, see here: flutter-permission-handler/permission_handler_android/android/src/main/java/com/baseflow/permissionhandler/PermissionUtils.java Lines 525 to 538 in 8da4fc8 static void updatePermissionShouldShowStatus(...