// Vue 2.6.10版本 Watcher.prototype.update = function update() { debugger /* istanbul ignore else */ if (this.lazy) { this.dirty = true } else if (this.sync) { this.run() } else { queueWatcher(this) } } 老师视频中的版本 在新版本中也没有getAndInvoke这个方法来,对比computed valu...
usexxxStore in pinia has side-effect, and it's not suggested to invoke in the computed after vue3.4 since it will cause unexpected track. posva Feb 23, 2024 Maintainer @Doctor-wu is right, you should put the store outside of the computed property ️ 2 Doctor-wu Feb 23, 2024 ...
[Vue warn]: Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders. Instead, use a data or computed property based on the prop’s value. Prop ... git新建&上传&删除库的方法 一、新建&提交(这里我用的是gitBash.gif) 1. git config --glo...
1. 计算属性中不应该改变 data 中的变量值(会报错:Unexpected side effect in "plus" computed property) 2. methods 中的方法可以改变 data 中的变量值 3. computer 有缓存,数字不变时只执行1次,性能高 4. methods中的函数无缓存,数字不变时也执行3次,性能不如computer computed.vue <template> {{ msg ...
reactivity: only clear notified flags for computed in first batch iteration (aa9ef23), closes #12045 types/ref: handle nested refs in UnwrapRef (#12049) (e2c19c2), closes #12044 v3.5.9 Compare Source Bug Fixes reactivity: fix property dep removal regression (6001e5c), closes...
--如果去掉这一层div则会报错.因为在同一层DOM节点上 :key的value有重复的--><pv-for='(item,index) in sortCyclicData':key='index'>{{item}}letapp =newVue({el:'#app',data: {cyclicData: [1,8,3,7,5,6],},computed: {sortCyclicData:function() {returnthis.cyclicData.sort(function(num1...
Within the computed property sortedListings I am already doing [...this.listings] 答案: the spread operator doesn't deep clone the array and the sort method modify the original property which is used in computed that generate an infinite loop, so add a method to clone the object deeply like...
import { loadRouteLocation } from 'vue-router' const loadedRoute = await loadRouteLocation(router.resolve('/users/24')) Typed Routes In v4.1 we were initially planning to introduce types to automatically detect the params from a path property, creating autocomplete and type safety in router.pus...
#1659 Fixed crash in vue/no-use-computed-property-like-method rule. #1658 Fixed false positives for vars inside types in vue/valid-define-emits and vue/valid-define-props rules. ️ Updates #1654 Changed peer deps eslint ver from ^6.2.0 || ^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0-0 to ^6.2...
tl;drVueでconsoleに [Vue warn]: You may have an infinite update loop in a component render function.…