ubuntu系统中,self-update提示Command "self-update" is not defined. 卸载掉sudo apt-get remove composer 去composer官网下载composer文件 curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php 然后添加到/usr/bin中,并添加执行权限
composer/rector/rector >= 2.0.5, < 3.0.0 🟢 4.8 Details CheckScoreReason Code-Review ⚠️ 0 Found 0/30 approved changesets -- score normalized to 0 Packaging ⚠️ -1 packaging workflow not detected Maintained 🟢 10 30 commit(s) and 25 issue activity found in the last 90 days...
- name: Update composer run: composer self-update - name: Install dependencies run: composer update --${{ matrix.stability }} --prefer-dist --no-interaction --no-progress - name: Execute tests run: vendor/bin/phpunit --verbose 8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion 8 vendor/opis/closure...
1 unzip依赖 异常消息:Unzip with unzip command failed, falling back to ZipArchive class 大致解释:php-zip 扩展依赖 unzip 命令,无法解压归档的压缩文件,导致回滚到归档。 解决办法:安装 zip、unzip 命令和 php-zip 扩展 #centos (我用 php7.1,以它为例)yum installzipunzip php7.1-zip#ubuntuapt-get insta...
1. 前言 首先要搞清楚的一件事情是,所有的依赖都定义在composer.json中。 在指定安装扩展包的时候,并不是非要指明一个精确的版本。 那么就有可能发生这么一个情况,对于同一份composer.json,我们在不同时刻拉取到的依赖文件可能不同(因为composer会在满足条件的情况下去拉取最新的那份依赖),从而导致一些异常情况。
1,714 Views hello I have a problem to install Intel ® Fortran Composer XE 2013 for Linux; I have an Ubunto 12.O4 lts, 32 bit, the installation completes successfully and at the end I added to the file ~ /. bashrc "source / opt/intel/composer_xe_2013.0.079/bin/compilervars.sh...
System updates - keep your linux server up to date 3rd-party scripts: WP-CLI + One-click Wordpress installer Composer (application-level package manager) PHPMyAdmin(database manager) Webmailer (roundcube) goPanel works perfect with Amazon instances and Digital Ocean droplets as long as you usea ...
PHP Warning: ZipArchive::extractTo(/mnt/d/data//updater-ocnir00z6m7w/downloads/nextcloud/3rdparty/microsoft/azure-storage-blob/composer.json): Operation failed: Operation not permitted in phar:///var/www/html/nextcloud/updater/updater.phar/lib/Updater.php on line 701 ...
Hi everyone, I'm trying to upgrade an app on laravel 6.x to 7.x (I've done this numerous time and it worked) but this project takes ages to update (I've let composer run for 20mn and still nothing) Here is the packages I use "require": {
laravel执行composer update报错 Problem 1 - laravel/framework[v5.5.0, …, v5.5.50] require ext-mbstring * -> it is missing from your system. Install or enable PHP’s mbstring extension. 解决办法:安装所需的mbstring扩展。 安装命令:......