如果您的系统应该是支持update-ca-certificates的,但命令不存在,可能是因为ca-certificates软件包未安装或损坏。 对于Debian或Ubuntu系统,您可以尝试通过运行sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install --reinstall ca-certificates来重新安装ca-certificates包。验证update-ca-certificates命令是否可以正常执行:...
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y ca-certificates This will install the ca-certificates package, which includes the update-ca-certificates command. If you are using a different package manager, you can use the appropriate command to install the ca-certificates package. Once y...
Unable to start the dev server. Error: Unable to install the CA certificate. sudo: /usr/sbin/update-ca-certificates: command not found after executingnpm run start:web -- --document {url} Current behavior After following the documentation for excel add in custom function, the error is happen...
Docker commands that you execute $ update-ca-certificates Actual result Updating certificates in /etc/ssl/certs... rm: cannot remove 'ca-certificates.crt': Permission denied Expected outcome Updating certificates in /etc/ssl/certs... 1 a...
因为本身对update-ca-certificates这个命令不太熟悉,只知道他会去更新/etc/pki/下面的证书,然后尝试去找一下相关的文档,没有头绪。于是直接看一下命令的源码(因为是个 shell 脚本)。 内容太长,就全部放出来了,但是看了一会,还是没明白在镜像层加一个这个命令会有什么变化,看来是要去看一下docker文件系统的源码了...
# cp /root/certs/<certname>.cer /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ # update-ca-trust enable # cd /etc/pki/tls/certs/ # openssl x509 -in ca-bundle.crt -text -noout When checking I will only see one of the certificates, not always the same one though. ...
ca-certificates - Common CA certificates Details USN-4377-1 updated ca-certificates. This update provides the corresponding update for Ubuntu 12.04 ESM and Ubuntu 14.04 ESM. Original advisory details: The ca-certificates package contained an expired CA certificate that caused connectivity issues. This ...
ca-certificates - Common CA certificates Details USN-7034-1 updated ca-certificates. This update provides the corresponding update for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Original advisory details: The ca-certificates package contained outdated CA certificates. This update refreshes the included cer...
To install a certificate, see Add or update a certificate-key pair.Many server certificates are signed by multiple hierarchical Certificate Authorities , which means that the certificates form a chain like the following:.
When run under Docker, update-ca-certificates (from the package ca-certificates) fails with the line . All the information I can find seems to suggest it's a locale issue but the system profile seems to have the correct information. Any ...