Similar to other console launches, the new set of Official Servers will not go online until a few hours after the launch to allow ample time for downloading. This will ensure everyone has a fair chance to join the game and experience ARK: Survival Ascended. The new Officia...
There’s always something new to do in Ark: Survival Ascended, as plenty of new content is coming, including a wealth of new maps and DLC. Recommended Videos Unlike its predecessor, all new maps in Ark: Survival Ascended are included in the base edition of the game and do not require ...
Besides introducing a massive new desert biome to explore and new dinos to tame, this newArkupdate brings new items, challenges, and plenty more to discover as you focus on surviving the harsh climates. Here are the patch notes for theArk: Survival AscendedScorched Earth update. Everything incl...
Strap yourselves in, because Winter Wonderland was just the first snowflake in a blizzard of freshly-designed ARK events coming your way in 2024! Whether it's Love Evolved or Eggcellent Adventures, we’re planning plenty of new event content! ARK Survival ...
fixes and performance improvements in the coming days, along with major feature additions over the coming weeks (and introducing Public Test Realm next week – more on that soon). In the meantime, thank you for your support and patience. We hope you're enjoyin...
Spooky season has arrived, and we’re fueled by pumpkin spice lattes as we're heads down on Fear Ascended event content, alongside development for Extinction, bug fixes, and performance enhancements! Given the hustle behind the scenes, this week's Crunch is fairly light, but...
To ensure a smooth rollout though, the release date has been adjusted by one day toJune 4th. We're appreciative of player's enthusiasm for our third ARK: Survival Ascended map and look forward to getting it into your hands in just a few weeks!
We won’t be supporting Server Transfers at the launch of ARK: Survival Ascended; this feature will become enabled when Scorched Earth releases in December. How long should we expect the title to be in ‘Early Access’? ARK: Survival Ascended will leave Early Access...