在Google Play 里面下载更新最新版本的Android System WebView。然后在手机设置里的开发人员选项中选择使用...
// #issue-39: 代理沒有應用到 WebView 上,只能通過此種方式來全局代理。 fun rebuildNetwork() { val properties = System.getProperties() when (Preferences.proxyType) { TYPE_HTTP, TYPE_SOCKS -> { properties["proxySet"] = true.toString() properties["proxyHost"] = Preferences.proxyIp properties...
Fixed the issue for Android where a user cannot continue to handle friend requests after the user handled a friend request. 6.1.2166 @2022.04.02 - Enhanced Version SDK Fixed the issue where no data was returned when two or more userIDs were entered for senderUserIDList to search for local...
Android WebView is a Chrome system component that allows Android apps to display the web content. While the new restrictions are default, starting with Chrome 80, they aren't immediately enforced on WebViews. They'll be applied in the future. To prepare, Android allows native apps to set ...
\n Mobile: Enabled by default Scrolling Screenshot functionality on Android. \n Developer: Added an API to WebView2 to listen for PermissionRequested events from any iframe in a page. Note that updates to documentation and SDKs may not have occurred yet. \n...
Hello Insiders! We released build 124.0.2438.2 to the Dev channel! This includes numerous fixes. For more details on the changes, check out the...
Pet & Apartment System (Initial Beta, please report any bugs or suggestions to the Discord server) Other Changes: Lunar New Year Event: Notice Update Notes If you found a bug please post a bug report in ourDiscord serverBug report channel. ...
When Notepad open, press “Control + O” keys to open a file from your computer. When you are in “Open” file dialog box, go toC:\Windows\System32\drivers\etcfolder. Make sure to select “All Files” to view the files, otherwise you will not see the files in the folder. ...
Adds system-level swiping curve coverage for third-party apps, including WebView interfaces, ensuring a consistent scrolling experience throughout the system. AI Retouch Introduces the Enhance clarity feature to enhance the clarity of cropped, distant or low-quality photos. ...
Your environment SYSTEM INFO: Operating system: android 12 (HUAWEI DBY-W09) Obsidian version: 1.4.16 (114) API version: v1.4.16 Login status: not logged in Live preview: on Legacy editor: off Base theme: dark Community theme: none Snippe...