Created by Scott M. Gimple and Danai Gurira, The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live is a sequel spin-off series in The Walking Dead television franchise. The series picks up some time after Michonne departs from the original series, as she searches to be reunited with her lover, Rick Grimes...
The hit indie game, The Escapists, in which you're tasked with escaping prisons through strategy and planning is teaming up with the world of The Walking Dead in a brand new game coming later this year. Come inside to check out the first trailer and information!If you've ever wanted to...
Alien: Romulus marks the 7th in the series and sets itself firmly in a time between 1979's Alien and 1986's Aliens. Romulus takes viewers to a distant world where it's a younger generation tackling the terrifying xenomorphs. With Fede Álvarez (Evil Dead, Don't Breathe) sitting firmly...
Dogscreative team—Tony Fleecs and Trish Forstner—will reunite for the upcomingFeral, first announced in an exclusive scoop last week atThe Hollywood Reporter. This all-new, ongoing series will launch in March 2024 from Image Comics and is perhaps best described asThe Walking DeadmeetsT...
for five years, initially reported byDeadline. At this point, it's possible the show won't move forward or that it'll shift directions and move forward without Gyllenhaal. However, it's still on his IMDb, so it's worth at least breaking down what sounds like a promising series. ...
Meanwhile, this game will introduce a secondary protagonist to take control of named Saga Anderson. Saga is an FBI agent sent to Bright Falls, Washington, to solve a series of ritualistic murders. If you’ve played the first game installment, you know there was always a horror element attache...
All titles are available on both DVD and Blu-ray unless otherwise noted. Released November 26 Released November 19 Released November 12 Afro SamuraiComplete series + movie [Blu-ray] TV/Anime Released November 5 Released October 29 Released October 22 ...
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The Walking Dead Series The Walking Dead: Season 1 (2010) The Walking Dead: Season 2 (2011) The Walking Dead: Season 3 (2012) The Walking Dead: Season 4 (2013) The Walking Dead: Season 5 (2014) The Walking Dead: Season 6 (2015) The Walking Dead: Season 7 (2016) The Walking De...
The Walking Dead: The Final Season – Episode 1 Telltale’s The Walking Dead series is where it all began for the developer. It’s the franchise that escalated the studio into mainstream popularity and success. Even with all the years of strife and development woes, The Walking Dead is sti...