focusing on realities where various Marvel characters lead very different lives. In Season 3, these other universes include a world where the Avengers use anime-inspired mech suits to fight kaiju-like Hulks, one where Red Guardian (David Harbour) and Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan) team up, and...
Five years after 'White' Vision flew off to deal with an existential crisis after having his memories restored in WandaVision, Paul Bettany will return as the character in a Disney Plus show helmed by Star Trek: Picard's Terry Matalas. The good news is that the writers' room for the upc...
Star Trek Online is your chance to show the internet that you’d make a much better Picard than Picard. Each quest in this MMO is like an episode of the show, and each mission series is an arc, complete with the occasional filler episode. Packed full of the best pieces from Roddenberry...
Star Trek: Picard executive producer Terry Matalas has been hired as the showrunner of the MCU's new Vision series, set to release in 2026. 8 Peggy Carter Peggy Carter Could Be Revived As Dryad In Agatha All Along Close Hayley Atwell's Peggy Carter may be an unexpected addition to Agatha ...
Five years after 'White' Vision flew off to deal with an existential crisis after having his memories restored in WandaVision, Paul Bettany will return as the character in a Disney Plus show helmed by Star Trek: Picard's Terry Matalas. X-Men movie (Image credit: Marvel Studios) X-Men rel...