Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man January 29, 2025 Synopsis New Animated Series in which Peter Parker's life, while getting ready for his High School orientation, is forever changed by events that send him on a journey like none before. In the first episode, we discover that the new era...
The Amazing Spider-Man helmer Marc Webb is in the director's chair, while Barbie director Greta Gerwig co-wrote the screenplay. This is also the first of all the new Disney movies heading our way in 2025. A Minecraft Movie (Image credit: Warner Bros) Release date: April 4, 2025 The ...
Of course, like our two previous movies, they have also encountered their own showdown with Spider-Man in the comics. Although where this movie will place itself in the timeline, remains under wraps. It's a stellar cast filled with big names in addition to the ones mentioned above. We'...
It remains to be seen how Holland's Spider-Man will end up with the symbiote, butSpider-Verse 2's canon event suggests that the MCU hero will be corrupted by Venom at first before eventually breaking free of his influence. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verseisnow playing in theaters world...
Spider-Man: No Way Home ending explained: Multiverse of madness 12/25/2024 by Michael Weyer Bam Smack Pow 12 Jokes From The Simpsons That Aged Terribly 12/21/2024 by Mike Bedard Slash Film Billy Bob Thornton explains why he turned down being Green Goblin in Spider-Man and a Mission: Impo...
Spider-man 4: Every Character Rumored To Be In The Movie (And What's Really Going On With The Film) 1/11/2025 Spider-man 4: Every Character Rumored To Be In The Movie (And What's Really Going On With The Movie) ...
but this clearly changed as Cretton will now direct the nextSpider-Manmovie (as mentioned above). In July of 2024, Liu even quipped that the sequel keeps getting pushed back as Marvel’s long term plans change. As of that year’s SDCC presentation, it is unclear if the follow-up is st...
The first and fairest Disney princess to ever exist finally gets her long-awaited live-action adaptation. Starring Golden Globe winnerRachel Zegleras the titular character andGal Godotas the Evil Queen, the update helmed byMarc Webb(The Amazing Spider-Man) will surely be the apple of our eyes...
The Marvel Cinematic Universe will end its Phase 3 with the upcoming Spider-Man filmFar from Homeand it will start a new Era, Phase 4. After the Final Endgame it won't stop and it will get bigger and bigger, with more heroes and more connections. So, as we are used to from Marvel...
Next articleSpider-Man: Freshman Year – MCU’s Animated Series’ Cast, Release Date, Story and More! Umesh Umesh is the founder of Blog to Bollywood. A digital and SEO marketer by profession, he is the man who drives Graduated in Computer Science Engineering,. he love...