UpcomingCons.com is your complete resource for anime conventions, game conventions, science-fiction, and comics.
UpcomingCons.com is your complete resource for anime conventions, game conventions, science-fiction, and comics.
The article offers information on several international science fiction conventions and conferences occurring in 1989 through 1990, including the conference "The Fantastic in New Critical Theory," held in Texas from February 28 through March 4, 1990, a confer...
[1] In 1953, Charles Harness (1915-2005) wrote The Chessplayers. It is a short story of a chess club that runs across a refugee professor who claims he has a chess-playing rat that he trained himself. The story appeared in Fantasy & Science Fiction, October 1953. ‘http://billwall.p...
Genres scifi It’s a con! Well…okay, sure. But what does that mean? Norwescon is the Pacific Northwest’s premier science fiction and fantasy convention and one of the largest regional science fiction and fantasy conventions in the United States. While maintaining a primarily literary focus, ...
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - The Escape Game is a cooperative board game for 1 to 5 players, immersing participants in the terrifying atmosphere of the cult 1974 film, on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. In two 90-minute sessions, players, who embody the heroes of the f...
UpcomingCons.com is your complete resource for anime conventions, game conventions, science-fiction, and comics.
Although Readercon is modeled on "science fiction conventions," we have no art show, no costumes, no gaming, and almost no media. Instead, Readercon features a near-total focus on the written word. In many years the list of Readercon guests rivals or surpasses that of the Worldcon in ...
200 members. This makes Windycon a more intimate event than the mega conventions. A large aspect of our convention is the time you can spend having great conversations with friends, panelists, and even the Guests.Attendees are generally interested in a broad spectrum of science fiction and ...
UpcomingCons.com is your complete resource for anime conventions, game conventions, science-fiction, and comics.