TANCET (Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test) is held to offer admission into PG courses, i.e. ME/ M.Tech/ M.Arch/ M.Plan, MCA & MBA. This exam is managed by the Anna University, Chennai. It is a state level examination of Tamil Nadu state. TNEA 2025 TNEA (Tamil Nadu Engineering Admis...
This year, an estimated 10.71 million students will sit the college entrance exam at 400,000 locations across China. Around 945,000 staff will participate in the related work. RELATED STORIES Grossi: Timely and substantive exchange with Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister in prepara...
Upcoming Government Exams 2024-25 In 2024-25, various exams are scheduled to take place. These exams include central government jobs, banking, railway, SSC, and more, to prepare efficiently. Here the exam dates will be regularly updated to ensure you get all the latest information. Regular upd...
(向上滑动启阅 Swipe up to read)亲爱的同学们:Dear International Students,随着2024年新年钟声的敲响本学期即将结束,期末考试悄然而至为了保证考试公平公正有序开展鹭鹭给紧张复习的你准备了这封信请仔细阅读As we approach the culmination of this semester an...
As this year's college entrance exam approaches, a high school in Huaibei organized a series of activities to help students release stress. (Photo by Wan Shanchao/Xinhua) High school seniors take part in a stress relief game in Huaibei, east China's Anhui Province, May 31, 2023. ...
Many of you are studying hard because you have to compete with many others in the upcoming national college entrance exam. But it may not occur to you that one of your competitors is a robot. An artificial intelligence(AI) robot will take part in the 2017 National College Entrance Exam, ...