Elections matter. You've heard it said, "If you didn't vote, you have no right to complain." Regardless of your thoughts on election integrity, it's still important to exercise your right to vote. Some would say it isn't even a right... it's an obligation. There are millions of ...
Here's how much money each member of the Louisiana House made in 2022. TED JAMES II Canva "TED" JAMES II Ted James resigned from the State House in January of 2022. He was appointed Regional 6 Director for the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) by President Biden. VANESSA LAFLEUR...
March 19:Arizona primary; Florida primary; Illinois primary; Kansas primary; Ohio primary March 23:Louisiana primary April 2:Connecticut primary; Delaware primary; New York primary; Rhode Island primary; Wisconsin primary April 20:Wyoming caucuses April 21:Puerto Rico primary April 23:Pennsylvania pri...