Abandoned and entrusted to a Kentucky orphanage in the late 1950s, a young Beth Harmon (Anya Taylor-Joy) discovers an astonishing talent for chess while developing an addiction to tranquilizers provided by the state as a sedative for the children. Haunted by her personal demons and fueled by ...
David Lee Rothof Van Halen fame gave the Brisbane Times an intimate and personal account of his childhood in the Midwest. "I grew up playing outdoors in Bloomington, Indiana," the rocker said in an interview that touched on his dysfunctional household. "It's near the Kentucky border, a cor...
" "Appalachian Mountain Girl" and six more), cover songs (start with John Anderson’s “Wild and Blue” and timeless classics (Bill Monroe’s “Blue Moon of Kentucky”) make for
44.4 Miles from Frankfort The Kentucky Science & Engineering Fair showcases student excellence in science and engineering research. Winners go on to compete at the Regeneron International Science & Engineering Fair. The event features... TradeshowIndustrial EngineeringScience & Research Interested 4Sat...