Saoirse Ronan, also starring this fall in "Blitz," brings her considerable grit and grace to the role of Rona, a raging London alcoholic just out of rehab and eager to find a kind of healing by returning home to the wild beauty of the Orkney Islands, off the north coast of Scotland. ...
money, or legions) on issues that are being debated in the Senate, Recover exhausted influence, or Settle an issue. These actions are punctuated by elections, revolts in the provinces, and domestic unrest. As one of the Triumvirs, you will have to balance your tempo of activities to ensure...
If you’re looking fordecentralized finance coinsbased on real-world events, opt forFreeDum Fighters.This gamified, satirical coin was created as a parody of the ongoing US presidential elections. This means that investors can vote for two mechanized political candidates – Magatron and Kamacop 90...