The story focuses on salaryman Densuke Hamasaki(a.k.a. Hama-chan), whom his supervisor Sasaki has dubbed the "Fishing Baka" because of his passion for fishing. One day Hama-chan meets and befriends an older fisherman named Su-san, who turns out to be Ichinosuke Suzuki, the CEO of the...
Doctor Hokushin Kadoku developed this revolutionary technology, which is later dubbed the “Polaris System”, and it changed life as we knew it. A ranking hierarchy based on one’s powers, the appearance of new jobs… The concept of the “Second Talent” of humans spreads all over the cou...
The North Vietnamese launched the Easter Offensive (dubbed the Nguyen Hue Offensive) on March 30, 1972, which was a large-scale, three-part assault on South Vietnam. Hundreds of South Vietnamese civilians and soldiers were injured as a result, but the attack was ultimately stopped in Octobe...