Check Digit Calculator Number FormatNumberCheck Digit UPC-A[info] EAN-13 SCC-14, GTIN SSCC-18 EAN-8 ISBN (10-digit only; 13 digit use EAN-13) BLN (Bill of Lading) Number Converter ConversionNumberResult UPC-A → UPC-E UPC-E → UPC-A ...
We’ve taken the steps to buy prefixes and enable customers to buy UPC barcodes for $5 a piece (bulk discounts available) rather than paying the $200+ along with yearly renewal fees. When you buy from, there are no renewal fees, you own the codes for life, and we guarantee...
Buy Bulk UPC Codes: See our full pricing chart on our"Buy UPC Codes"page - buy for as low as $0.10 a code! UPC Codes are delivered instantly, and can be used immediately! Buy now! Amazon UPC Codes? Need UPC's for Amazon?We've got you covered.Checkout outAmazon UPC pagefor a tu...
条形码/条码/Barcode, 是由宽度不等的黑白条纹,按照一定的编码规则组成矩形的图案(特定黑白条纹相应代表某个字符或数字),用以表达一组信息。 条形码的功能是可以被机器读取,用条码扫描器扫描,即可将条形码的黑白条纹转换成字符或数字,并输入到电脑。 例如:超市的每种商品包装上都印有一个条形码,这条形码代表一个12位...