* Superimpose a line for 1D or dots for 2D to highlight the key features of the barcode. * *@parambarcode A bitmap of the captured image. *@paramscaleFactor amount by which thumbnail was scaled *@paramrawResult The decoded results which contains the points to draw. */privatevoiddrawResul...
BarcodeWriter writer=newBarcodeWriter(); writer.Format=BarcodeFormat.UPC_A; writer.Options=options;//如需设置图片为其它颜色,使用此段代码//BitmapRenderer renderer = new BitmapRenderer();//renderer.Foreground = Color.Black;//renderer.Background = Color.White;//writer.Renderer = renderer;Bitmap bmp...
Barcode Formats:UPC-A 802892888861, EAN-13 0802892888861 Category:Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Skirts Manufacturer:DKNY BARCODE (UPC) Integrate your app with a UPC, EAN and ISBN database Description:Get the latest from DKNY women’s clothing. Whether you’re pulling together a casual or ...
UPC-A编码方式 UPC-A SYMBOLOGY UPC-A BACKGROUND INFORMATION The "UPC-A barcode" is by far the most common and well-known symbology, at least in the United States. An UPC-A barcode is the barcode you will find on virtually every consumer good on the shelves of your local supermarket, as...
Attributes: MPN: 0166 Format: Blue Product Reviews WRITE A REVIEW No reviews posted yet. Online Stores ADD STORE Sponsored affiliate online retailers for UPC 400272843143: American Eagle Outfitters: $9.99 BARCODE LOOKUP Search Total current barcode entries: 1,328,085,690BARCODE...
print multiple barcode formats from desktop printers: UPCA, UPCE, EAN13, EAN8, ISBNEAN Barcode Font
UPC-A barcode条码今天无处不在。 零售商使用“通用产品代码”(UPC)来识别商店中的产品。 在不同零售店销售的相同产品共享相同的UPC。 UPC的前导数字称为“数字系统”。 UPC的后五位数字称为“制造商代码”。 然后另外五位数字称为“产品代码”。 最后一位是校验位。
UPCA - 12-digit Universal Product Code. This barcode is used to identify each product with a unique code. It consists of a 1-digit Numbering System, 5-digit Manufacturer's code, 5-digit Product Code, and 1 Check Digit. UPCE - A 6-digit condensed version of UPCA. This barcode is typ...
UPCA(barcode as String) Encodes the barcode in UPC-A format. The function parameters are: barcode: String value with the barcode data to encode. Must be 11 or 12 digits. Enter 11 digits to have the check digit added automatically. Also accepts 13, 14, 15, or 17 digits for +2 and ...
4 Noformatrestrictions,in-storeuseonnon-fooditems 5 Coupons 6 Reserved 7 RegularUPCcodes 8 Reserved 9 Reserved ManufacturerCode:ThemanufacturercodeisauniquecodeassignedbytheUCCCounciltoeachmanufacturerorcompanywhichdistributesgoodsthatwillincludeaUPC-Abarcode.Allproductsproducedbyagivencompanywillusethesamemanufa...